Matthew Adeney  

News & Media
    › Het Parool
    › de Volkskrant
    › Trouw
    › De Morgen
    › HUMO
    › Libelle
    › TU Delft

The Vault

    › Karres en Brands
    › Zaida Oenema
    › Dataflex
    › Veteranendag
    › Muziekgebouw
    › Rock Rally
    › YPF Festival
    › NLRF 2013
    › Korzo
    › Borders
    › KABK

Matthew is a digital product designer working in Amsterdam with 10+ years experience in digital design and brand identity. I've worked with studio's such as Lava, Silo and Ontwerpwerk. Currently I'm designing online editorial experiences in Belgium and The Netherlands for leading news brands + magazines such as de Volkskrant, Het Parool, Trouw, Libelle, HUMO and De Morgen at DPG Media.


Zaida Oenema


© Zaida Oenema, 2015

Zaida Oenema (1980), is a Dutch/Finnish visual artist who lives and works in The Hague, The Netherlands. Aged 17 she studied Nordic arts and crafts at Ålands Folkhögsskola, Finland. Here the foundation was laid for her interest in working with various materials and she discovered photography. In 2004 she got her BA degree in photography at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague. While working as a photographer, she realized her need to work more physically and materially, and decided to take up studying again.

Oenema enrolled the Post St.Joost program for photography (MA) in Breda, on one condition; that she would not have to graduate with any photographs. Since her graduation in 2009, Oenema slowly let go of photography and video-performances. Now she makes drawings with varying tools and materials from pencil and biro, scalpel or soldering iron, to wood and resin.

Zaida Oenema exhibits her works regularly in The Netherlands as well as abroad. Her work is in the collection of VU-medical centre Amsterdam and of several collectors.
