Matthew Adeney  

News & Media
    › Het Parool
    › de Volkskrant
    › Trouw
    › De Morgen
    › HUMO
    › Libelle
    › TU Delft

The Vault

    › Karres en Brands
    › Zaida Oenema
    › Dataflex
    › Veteranendag
    › Muziekgebouw
    › Rock Rally
    › YPF Festival
    › NLRF 2013
    › Korzo
    › Borders
    › KABK

Matthew is a digital product designer working in Amsterdam with 10+ years experience in digital design and brand identity. I've worked with studio's such as Lava, Silo and Ontwerpwerk. Currently I'm designing online editorial experiences in Belgium and The Netherlands for leading news brands + magazines such as de Volkskrant, Het Parool, Trouw, Libelle, HUMO and De Morgen at DPG Media.


HUMO’s Rock Rally


© DPG Media

Humo's Rock Rally is a Belgian contest for rock bands, organized every second year since 1978. It is organized by the Belgian magazine HUMO.

Every band that has not yet released an official recording, may enter the Rock Rally, by submitting a demo to HUMO. Humo then selects 100 bands to compete in the pre-selections, followed by semi-finals and a final with 10 bands. The competing bands are assessed by a professional jury. Money prizes are awarded to the top three bands, as well as to one band chosen by the audience.

The Rock Rally is an important possibility for young Belgian rock bands to get in the picture. Many notable Belgian bands and musicians, such as dEUS, The Black Box Revelation, Evil Superstars, Novastar, Milow, Arid, An Pierlé, Das Pop, Admiral Freebee and Goose, launched their career in the Rock Rally.
