Matthew Adeney  

News & Media
    › Het Parool
    › de Volkskrant
    › Trouw
    › De Morgen
    › HUMO
    › Libelle
    › TU Delft

The Vault

    › Karres en Brands
    › Zaida Oenema
    › Dataflex
    › Veteranendag
    › Muziekgebouw
    › Rock Rally
    › YPF Festival
    › NLRF 2013
    › Korzo
    › Borders
    › KABK

Matthew is a digital product designer working in Amsterdam with 10+ years experience in digital design and brand identity. I've worked with studio's such as Lava, Silo and Ontwerpwerk. Currently I'm designing online editorial experiences in Belgium and The Netherlands for leading news brands + magazines such as de Volkskrant, Het Parool, Trouw, Libelle, HUMO and De Morgen at DPG Media.


Het Parool


Android Google Play
iOS App Store

© DPG Media

An Amsterdam newspaper with a national character and cosmopolitan point of view. Het Parool is for those that have a special place for Amsterdam in their heart. That want to know every last thing about it. Het Parool is where the city meets the world. Your source of news with an unmistakable Amsterdam character and an authentic outlook on life. Like no other, we know our way around our cosmopolitan city. Het Parool believes our journalism energizes people.

Brimming with that typical Amsterdam way of life, we bring an independent sound from the heart of our bustling metropolis. Het Parool, where Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and the world come together. Portfolio Our extensive portfolio offers readers and online visitors constant access to our journalism at Het Parool - wherever they are. You can find the latest news and more on our website, the 24/7 mobile app, an interactive edition for tablet, and our digital paper across all platforms. And of course, our paper edition. Including ‘PS van de Week’, every Saturday.

Het Parool online 2.589.000 unique visitors / month 
Het Parool print run 179.000 / edition

